Wednesday 26 March 2014

Beauty and the Beast moodboards

Today I worked on putting together some Beauty and the Beast moodboards, I want to create a surreal feel to the shoot. I'd like beauty to be sultry and I'm toying with the idea of putting a rose in the wig made of hair, (to represent the part in Madame de Villeneuves tale where beauty asks for a rose, after all this is the whole reason she even meets the Beast anyway!) As for the beast wig I'd like to create a piece that is not too theatrical like the image above, in the bottom right, as i feel this would be cliche and not very surreal in the cold sense I'm aiming for. I absolutely love Nagi Noda's hair hats particularly the image in the bottom left this would be perfect but unfortunately it's already been done! :-(

 I've also done some boards looking into the Baroque era, of which the Beauty and the Beast was written, looking at men's fashion and hairstyles of the time, and also Victorian hair looks as this is the cross theme for the Beast wig.

I also did some beauty sketchbook today exploring ways to make the wig different to the others I've thought about. I want to create a garden feel as I've chosen to illustrate the part of the story where Beauty crosses into the Beasts garden. I want to include a rose in the design as it's the one thing Beauty asks her father for and it's the sole reason she even ends up meeting the Beast. It is a symbol of love and great significance within the story.

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