Monday 5 May 2014

Packaging the wigs up!

Today is the last day before hand-in and I'm trying to package the wigs in a way that looks really professional but still within my tight budget.

 I'd already purchased some boxes online that I've now painted black, I originally was going to have one wig per box but on inspection the boxes are plenty big enough for two wigs and this will enable two collections (Beauty and the Beast and The Ugly Duckling) to have their own box, which should be nice and organised. This way I can also get the boxes in my car, coming from Bournemouth with a wig per box I'm not sure they all would have fit in my car in one go, which could have been a tricky/stressful journey to hand-in. 

I've made tag labels with my logo on and on the reverse is my name and the collection name. Due to the size of the tag the collection name is quite small, but I have chosen to have it small rather than black so the branding on the labels is the same as that of the website and so the whole thing will match throughout, and I've used purple wool/string instead of the cream tag cord so the whole box is co-ordinated.

Inside the box I have bought black tissue paper and bubble wrap, this should save the wigs from getting damaged in transport. I chose black as a background colour as I feel this would best show off the wigs, than any other colour. I did consider white, but thought the boxes would look cheaper and this colour could dirty easily/get marks on. Also white would not look as professional or show off the wigs as well as black. 

I was hoping to purchase some mannequin heads to display my wigs on as I thought this would be more professional looking, however, the most reasonably heads I could find were £4 each and they were white polystyrene, this would have been an added cost of £48+ delivery and I just don't have the money to do that. If I had an unlimited budget I would have liked to have displayed the wigs on black mannequin heads, perhaps ones with long necks such as some I've seen on, I believe the hair would look really good on these and this particular mannequin is said to be good for longer hair,

 however it looks quite female so maybe a unisex equivalent or something like the black polystyrene unisex head from

I HAVENT BEEN ABLE TO LINK MY SITE SO UPSETTING BUT I APPEAR TO BE OUT OF TIME I will continue to discover how to link my site and I will do this!! just may have to wait til after my hand in now as I've heard even after figuring out how to link the site it will take a few days to cross over...

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